Monday, January 31, 2011

Good luck and Good-coral

Science = Silly Putty:
So this week is centred entirely around 'The Past is Present in the Future' and will finish off this 6 strip arc. So as you may have seen this strip features around a bit of coral being able to grow a TARDIS... Yeah ... This obviously never went to air, but at the end of 'Journey's End' 10 was going to give this TARDIS growing coral to Handy. It was cut, thank god.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Once Around the Cuckoo's Nest

Don't Worry, We're All Crazy Here:
Once again we return to 'The Past is Present in the Future', also I'm happy to say that next week will be dedicated to the completion of this thread, so once again no 6 & Reggie. Also for those who asked, I managed to get past the quiz portion of my game show audition and am now waiting for a call up to go on the show. I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Seinfeld Approach

Game Show God:
So today's strip was two-fold in it's creation. First of all I wanted to expand the review scale of 6 & Reggie past just Who episodes featuring Daleks, and secondly because I wanted to further show how out of step with Who lore Reggie is. On a completely separate topic tonight I'm auditioning for a game show, so wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Daddy Issues

Geeking Up:
For those who haven't heard apparently David [10th Doctor] Tennent is going to marry Gorgia [Doctor's Daughter] Moffet, who also happens to be the daughter of Peter [5th Doctor] Davidson. Thats all the information you need for this strip. On another note I recently noticed how geeky my car is getting. Don't believe me? Well take a look:

I think I need help!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Connect the Tube to the Slot

Hooray, this is another part of the Pastly Present but I also have another thing to offer today. I am currently selling a canvas image of the 11 Doctors by Paul Hanley (300mm by 600 mm). The starting price is as low as 20 AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS (plus shipping) and I'll be hosting this as an auction on ebay lasting till the 1st of Febuary. Any money I make off this image will be going back into this comic and allowing me to expand my collection for some bigger plans to come (More on that in a few months). So yhea if anyone is interested please follow this link to bid.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

6 & Reggie Review: Victory of the Daleks

Sonta- NAH!!:
So yhea anoother Reggie and 6, and I'm assuming people saw this inevitably coming. However informantion form Who-central today is that Sontarans may be making another grand apperence in new Who soon (Which when you put it together with a 2-parter focusing on cloning isn't that far a stretch). So much as I enjoyed the original 2-parter with the Sontarans during the 10-Donna times... I don't know how I feel about them reappearing. I mean it's great and all to see classic villains reappearing, but just because they're there doesn't make them formidable as a threat I never really got that from them, they just seemed .. Well like my younger brother wielding a nail-gun, dangerous, but adorable at the same time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Closing the Door

My peace with 10 (but not with RTD):
So as you may recall my first ever strip that I posted here was a dig at the love of 10 and Rose, now as much as I loved 10 I always hated Rose and what she represented, a thought that we need more Soap Opera in our Sci Fi (or Sy Fy if you're American). However these issues I can no longer take out on 10 so I'm closing the door to these style of jokes... I will however continue to dig at RTD in the future though so look forward to that.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Pastly Presents

The Past  is Present for in the Future:
So today I have the first in what is a conjointed running strip, that's right a running strip, so these stories will flow on with each other and will hopefully be released each Saturday, with the possible exception of next week (I'll explain why in a second). Another thing today is that I now have a TARDIS!!! That's right I have a TARDIS and thus will probably be using it again, just to add to my collection. And finally I am heading off on a holiday for a week starting today and getting back the same time next week. While I am gone I will attempt to keep the strips coming but I can't make that a promise, so I if I fail to upload there will be a quick uploading time over the following week.  Hopefully see you soon guys :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

6 & Reggie Review: Revelation of the Daleks

Thoughts that Amuse Me:
Today's strip is once again an episode of Reggie and 6 Review, I'm thinking on branching out from the simple Dalek format, but I'm not sure so I'll keep you posted. So on some other rambling and unrelated topics, I've just finished shooting the February calendar pic so I'll get that up along with the first one some time soon. On another note I would like to point out that I am an Australian, and as some of you may know the Australian state of Queensland is within a natural disaster as cities are flooded. I would like to request that anyone who is reading this follow the below link to provide aid.

Many thanks, Gent

Link: Queensland Flood Donations

Home Leavers

Back to explanations today, let me explain why I wanted to do this. When I first saw the look of the 9th Doctor (remembering that he was my first Doctor) I thought he looked like a badass moterbiker. When I watched the show I found that I was completely wrong, but it did make me wonder what a motorbike trip with D9 would be like... and so here is a Leyland Brothers version of said trip.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Of Loves Lost

Torchwood finally takes flight:
After taking its ever loving time, Torchwood has finally managed to hit it's central point. Torchwood is the spin-off series from Doctor Who manned by Russell T. Davies. On other blogs I've espoused my problems with Davies, but this series as a whole is part of a problem. You need to remember that Torchwood was created to touch on the stories that Who couldn't do, how did they choose to do that first? Why with sex and over the top violence of course. Needless to say no one was very impressed by this, and after 2 series they appeared to be slowly improving... Until the decided to do a condensed series entitle "Children of Earth", it would run over 5 days in realish time, with an episode representing a full day. With this they decided to do away with the slow progression of the show to being a good Sci Fi... And immediately skipped to being a great Sci Fi. I honestly loved Children of Earth, despite it's obvious Space Opera problems it was a real and human story that brought out the realities of being human, something which a character like The Doctor is not as able to do. And now they're back for another go at the same formula. This time, everyone on earth stops dying... Thats it, thats the entire premise. It may sound weak, but think about it, without death we can't manage people, hospitals and resources, as much as we may dislike it death is integral to our continued living... so what do we do without it? All I can say is welcome back Torchwood, I'm looking forward to you so please don't disappoint!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

6 & Regie Review: Daleks in Manhatten

Say Hello to my New Friends:
Everyone say hello to my new friend Reginald the Dalek. So before I got my hands on my Doctor figures I owned a die cast Dalek, which  a seriously awesome collectable, so check it out, and I really did want to put him to some use, however I wanted him to be humorous. When I thought about the existing comedy with Daleks it was mostly through them acting out of character to insane degrees, with that one Dalek who forgot to lock the door or something. I wanted to do something different and so Reginald, despite having a funny name and reviewing  episodes / movies / whatever I can get my hands on, he will be played deadpan straight. Why? Well when you have a killing machine keeping a straight face in light of his own peoples incompetence, it can be rather enjoyable.

New Years Shenanigans

Someone has a Drinking Problem:
Today's strip is set at our New Years party, once again I have nothing against the characters. However most Who fans will agree when I say that the half-human line of the 8th Doctor was equal parts lazy and misinformed writing. This is also taking on the idea of Retconing, on a personal level I'm not a fan of any form of Retcon mostly because it only brings up large and annoying continuity issues. But hey, that's me.

Next [6 & Regie Review: Daleks in Manhatten]
Previous [The One that Started it all]

The One that started it all

First Time for Everything:
This is the first strip I did and was a general rip on the 'love' that developed between the 10th Doctor and his first companion Rose. I would like it noted that I have nothing against Ten, Rose, David Tennant and Billie Piper, my main issue is with the way this story represented Who at the time, Doctor Who to me has always been a straight Sci Fi in the vain of Star Trek (Which is really in the vain of Who, but I'm getting ahead of myself) The problem with Ten and the entire Davies run in my opinion was that rather than being a Sci Fi, Doctor Who had now become... a Space Opera, in the Style of Star Wars and Firefly. This isn't always a bad thing, since both those examples I just listed are things I love, but when compared to the old episodes it is a very jarring contrast.