Saturday, January 8, 2011

Of Loves Lost

Torchwood finally takes flight:
After taking its ever loving time, Torchwood has finally managed to hit it's central point. Torchwood is the spin-off series from Doctor Who manned by Russell T. Davies. On other blogs I've espoused my problems with Davies, but this series as a whole is part of a problem. You need to remember that Torchwood was created to touch on the stories that Who couldn't do, how did they choose to do that first? Why with sex and over the top violence of course. Needless to say no one was very impressed by this, and after 2 series they appeared to be slowly improving... Until the decided to do a condensed series entitle "Children of Earth", it would run over 5 days in realish time, with an episode representing a full day. With this they decided to do away with the slow progression of the show to being a good Sci Fi... And immediately skipped to being a great Sci Fi. I honestly loved Children of Earth, despite it's obvious Space Opera problems it was a real and human story that brought out the realities of being human, something which a character like The Doctor is not as able to do. And now they're back for another go at the same formula. This time, everyone on earth stops dying... Thats it, thats the entire premise. It may sound weak, but think about it, without death we can't manage people, hospitals and resources, as much as we may dislike it death is integral to our continued living... so what do we do without it? All I can say is welcome back Torchwood, I'm looking forward to you so please don't disappoint!

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